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Current Students

Student Employment Positions

Students are eligible for a variety of work experience and optional research opportunities in our department. The responsibilities and requirements of the work will determine the appropriate job title and compensation or academic credit.


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UW students are eligible for paid employment. The job title and expectations will depend on the work duties. Common student employment types in our department are described below. Additional information regarding student employment compensation through the College of Engineering is available HERE.


    Research Assistant (RA)

    Research Assistants are employed to conduct research under the direct supervision of a faculty member. RAs are compensated at a variable salary rate (published by the UW Graduate School) in accordance with the Academic Student Employee labor contract.

    Hourly Graduate Student Research Assistant (GSRA)

    During the summer term only (June 16 - September 15), continuing graduate students may be employed on an hourly basis as a GSRA to conduct research under the direct supervision of a faculty member. GRSA hourly wages (published by the UW Graduate School) are calculated based on the variable salary rate for RA appointments in accordance with the Academic Student Employee labor contract. GSRAs are not required or expected to enroll for summer credits. GSRAs are not eligible for tuition or health insurance benefits.

    Teaching Assistant (TA)

    Teaching Assistants are employed and assigned by the department to assist a supervising instructor with teaching duties. TAs are compensated at a variable salary rate (published by the UW Graduate School) in accordance with the Academic Student Employee labor contract.

    Likely TA duties include:

    • Independently leading Quiz, Lab, or Review sections
    • Attending class
    • Attending regular meetings with the course instructor
    • Responding to student inquiries, including email
    • Grading homework
    • Grading exams
    • Other course administration and logistical support


    Graders are employed and assigned by the department to assist instructors (and TAs) with grading student work and providing basic logistical support for a course. Graders will not conduct independent instruction or office hours. Graders are compensated at an hourly rate in accordance with the Academic Student Employee labor contract. Hourly employees are not eligible for tuition or health insurance benefits. 

    Likely Grader duties include:

    • Grading homework
    • Grading midterms / finals
    • Maintaining course grades
    • Other course administration and logistical support

    Undergraduate Research Assistant (uRA)

    Undergraduate Research Assistants are employed to assist with research under the direct supervision of a faculty member. uRAs are compensated at an hourly rate in accordance with the Academic Student Employee labor contract. Hourly employees are not eligible for tuition or health insurance benefits.

    Student Assistant

    Student Assistants are employed at an hourly rate to perform a variety of administrative and support duties. Hourly employees are not eligible for tuition or health insurance benefits. Before a Student Assistant is hired, the hiring manager must provide a job description and post the position in accordance with appropriate human resources policies. Contact the Department Administrator for more information.


UW students are eligible to earn academic credit for independent research conducted under the direct supervision of a faculty member. The appropriate course number (499 or 600) will depend on the student's academic level. The number of credits earned will depend on the amount of time required to conduct the research (1 credit = 3 hours of effort per week).

Students who are interested in earning academic credit for independent research should complete an Independent Study Form each quarter. Contact your academic adviser for more information.