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Diversity, Equity, Inclusion

Everyone has a home in Industrial & Systems Engineering.

Group of ISE graduate students in the quad

The faculty and staff of the Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering are dedicated to fostering an inclusive learning environment, where diverse perspectives are celebrated and recognized as a contributing factor in creating a thoughtful, well-rounded, and first-rate educational experience. 

Our faculty is comprised of over 50% women, over 50% from outside the United States, and all bring unique experiences and insights to their classrooms. Our students are encouraged to participate, and have held leadership positions, in various student groups, including the Society of Hispanic Professional EngineersNational Society of Black EngineersWomen in Science and Engineering, the Society of Women Engineers, and the Minority Scholars Engineering Program

D.E.I. at our core

As industrial and systems engineers, our objective is to design complex systems that are accessible and usable by all people. Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) are core to this mission. Our graduates must possess a deep understanding of, and appreciation for, diverse needs and ideas. 

We welcome students from all backgrounds, from all races, ethnicities, national origins, gender identities, religions, sexual orientations, abilities/disabilities, ages, socioeconomic backgrounds, military statuses, and other identities not listed. We stand firmly against, and do not tolerate, racism in any form. 


Report Bias, Discrimination and Harassment

The College of Engineering is committed to protecting the rights and dignity of every individual in our community. If you encounter, witness or suspect incidents of bias, discrimination or harassment, we encourage you to let us know by filing an incident report.

File an Incident Report

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