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Research Labs & Centers

The faculty of the Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering are committed to leading cutting-edge research in a range of exciting areas relevant to both society and technology.

  • Behavioral Research in Information and Computer Security (BRICS) Laboratory »


    At the BRICS Lab, Assistant Professor Prashanth Rajivan and his research group are working on problems at the intersection of human factors and cyber security to understand the social and cognitive processes that people use to detect malicious signals online. This includes studying the cognitive processes associated with the detection of phishing emails and misinformation on social media platforms.

  • Digital Transformation Lab »

    The Digital Transformation Lab, directed by Professor Chiwoo Park, is dedicated to pioneering advancements in digital modeling and analytical tools to drive transformative changes across diverse industries. Leveraging state-of-the-art digital modeling, we create accurate and dynamic representations of complex systems, enabling researchers to simulate, analyze, and optimize processes with unparalleled precision.

    We also research and develop advanced analytical tools, including machine learning, optimization, and statistical analysis, to extract meaningful insights from vast datasets. By integrating these findings into digital models, we uncover hidden patterns and support decision-making.

  • Disaster Data Science Lab »


    The Disaster Data Science Lab, led by Assistant Professor John Choe, is a group of data scientists and trainees who research how to leverage data to help others before, during, and after disasters.

  • Human and Systems (HAS) Lab »


    The HAS lab, led by Assistant Professor Ji-Eun Kim, is a research group devoted to investigating several areas within the fields of human performance modeling, neuroergonomics, and cognitive engineering, with a primary goal of designing work systems that better accommodate individual differences.

  • Human Factors and Statistical Modeling Lab »


    At the Human Factors and Statistical Modeling Lab, Professor Linda Ng Boyle's research emphasis is on investigating how people's behavior impacts their risks of injuries and mishaps. This includes exploring why drivers crash and why operator errors occur. Professor Boyle and her research assistants use a wide range of innovative analytical approaches to solve problems related to human factors and transportation systems.

  • Scale-independent Multimodal Automated Real Time Systems (SMARTS) Lab »


    Associate Professor Ashis Banerjee serves as the Director of the SMARTS Lab. His research focuses on developing automated decision-making methods for cyber-physical systems to achieve optimal and robust performances.

  • Transportation-Human Interaction-and-Network Knowledge (THINK) Lab »


    Professor Cynthia Chen is the Director of the THINK Lab. The lab's research centers around the intersection between human behavior, the built environment, larger infrastructure systems and data science: searching for answers relating to society's sustainability and resilience.