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Graduate Seminars - Autumn 2022

The graduate seminar series occurs autumn, winter, and spring quarter. The seminars feature lectures on current research within the field of industrial and systems engineering. MSIE and Ph.D. students are required to register for the entire seminar series (3 credits total).

IND E 591 schedule

Autumn 2022
Tuesdays, 1:30 p.m. - 2:20 p.m.
MEB 242 or Zoom
Date Speaker
October 4

Dr. Shan Liu, Industrial & Systems Engineering, University of Washington

Data Analytic Models and Insights in Adaptive Treatment of Chronic Depression 

October 11

Dr. Ashis Banerjee, Industrial & Systems Engineering, University of Washington

Persistent Feature Extraction Using Topological Data Analysis

October 18

Chason Coelho& Kelly LoVoi Exponent

Human Factors in the Real World: Contexts, Issues, and Applications
October 25

Dr. Shuai Huang, Industrial & Systems Engineering, University of Washington

Battle Type 1 Diabetes with data Analytics: Rule-based methods and collaborative learning

November 1

Dr. Christina Mastrangelo, Industrial & Systems Engineering, University of Washington

A Better World Through a Systems Approach: Transforming Needs to Solutions

November 8

Dr. Chiwei Yan, Industrial & Systems Engineering, University of Washington

A Dynamic Model for Airline Fleeting and Scheduling

November 15

Dr. Simon S. Du, Computer Science & Engineering, University of Washington

When are Offline Two-Player zero-Sum Markov Games Solvable?

November 22


Dr. Prashanth Rajivan, Industrial & Systems Engineering, University of Washington

Towards Autonomous Anti-Phishing Probing and Training Delivery

November 29

Dr. Chaoyue Zhao, Industrial & Systems Engineering, University of Washington

Towards Enhancing Power System Flexibility and Resilience: Metric, Model, and Algorithm

December 6

Dr. Ji-Eun Kim, Industrial & Systems Engineering, University of Washington

Designing for diversity: Sensor-based modeling in self-training systems