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Graduate Seminars - Spring 2023

The graduate seminar series features lectures on current research within the field of industrial and systems engineering. The series occurs autumn, winter and spring quarter. MSIE and Ph.D. students are required to register for the entire seminar series (3 credits total).

IND E 593 schedule

Spring 2023
Tuesdays, 11:30 a.m. - 12:20 p.m.
MEB 106
Date Speaker
March 28

Dr. Prashanth Rajivan, Industrial & Systems Engineering, University of Washington

Analyzing Adversarial Decision-Making Using Models of Instance Based Learning and Natural Language Processing

April 4

Dr. Sandor Toth, College of Environment, University of Washington

Spatial Optimization Techniques in Aid of Natural Resource Management

April 11


Dr. Daniel Quoc Dung Cao, Dr, Ning Li, Dr. Zhanlin Liu & Dr. Aven Samareh

Journeys Beyond UW ISE-An interactive discussion with ISE alumni about life and career 

April 18


Jiaqi Leng, Ph.D. Student, University of Maryland

Quantum Hamiltonian Descent

April 25

Dr. Rachel Umoren, Department of Medicine, University of Washington

Interdisciplinary Collaboration to Improve Neonatal Transport Patient Safety

May 2

HUB 340

Dr. Tim Jacobs, Director of Research Science, Amazon

Distinguished Industry Lecture

May 9

Dr. Amelia Regan, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Washington

Exact Methods for (relatively) Large Scale Logistics Optimization Problems: Implications for research and application in Warehouse Operations

May 16



May 23

Dr. Armeen Taeb, Department of Statistic, University of Washington

Robust and Causality-Oriented Prediction Models From Heterogeneous Data

May 30

Dr. Ankur Mani, Industrial & Systems Engineering, University of Minnesota

Operations in Social Networks: Acquisition, Revenue Generation, and Retention