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Graduate seminars winter 2022

The graduate seminar series occurs autumn, winter, and spring quarter. The seminars feature lectures on current research within the field of industrial and systems engineering. MSIE and Ph.D. students are required to register for the entire seminar series (3 credits total).

IND E 592 schedule

Winter 2022
Tuesdays, 1:30 p.m. - 2:20 p.m.
MEB 243 & Zoom
Date Speaker
January 4

Dr. Chaoyue Zhao, Industrial & Systems Engineering, University of Washington

Efficient Wasserstein and Sinkhorn Policy Optimization

January 11

Dr. Michael R Wagner, Operations Management, University of Washington

Crowdsourcing Last-Mile Deliveries 

January 18

Dr. David Morton, Industrial Engineering & Management Sciences, Northwestern University

Design of Covid-19 Staged Alert Systems to Ensure Healthcare Capacity with Minimal Closures

January 25

Dr. Linda Ng Boyle, Industrial & Systems Engineering, University of Washington

Allocation of Driver's Attention Given Increasingly Autonomous Vehicle Systems

February 1

Mr. Nick Terry, Ph.D. Student, Industrial & Systems Engineering, University of Washington

Adaptive Regression and Personalized Routing via Interactive Learning

February 8

Via zoom only

Dr. Sarah Marie Coppola, Human Centered Design & Engineering, University of Washington

Applying Sociotechnical Systems Models to Healthcare Technology Safety

February 15

Dr. Kevin Jamieson, Computer Science & Engineering, University of Washington

Instance Dependent Sample Complexity Bounds for Interactive Learning

February 22

Dr. Quoc Dung Cao, Research Data Scientist, Meta Platforms, Inc.

Data Science in Large-Scale Data Infrastructure Management

March 1

Dr. Cynthia Chen, Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Washington

A General Methodology for Inferring Failure Spreading Dynamics in Networks

March 8

Via zoom only

Dr. Anne Goodchild, Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Washington

The Value of Real-Time Parking Information for Last Mile Delivery