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Full house for UW Human Factors & Ergonomics Society info session

March 21, 2023

A UW HFES officers speaks to a large groupd of students in the Human Factors and Statistical Modeling Lab.

In a feat of packing logistics that only engineers or sardines could accomplish, nearly four dozen students enthusiastically squeezed into the cozy quarters of the ISE Human Factors and Statistical Modeling (HFSM) Lab on Thursday, March 2, for an info session and lab tour hosted by the University of Washington chapter of the Human Factors & Ergonomics Society (HFES).

Activities included tours of the HFSM Lab, where a VR car simulator helps researchers investigate how driver behavior impacts risk, and the Human and Systems (HAS) Lab, where research team, lead by Assistant Professor and HFES Faculty Advisor Ji-Eun Kim, designs inclusive work systems through human performance modeling, neuroergonomics, and cognitive engineering. The Society also held officer elections and discussed future event opportunities for the organization. 

HFES members and officers express their thanks for the support and interest from attendees.

For information on joining the organization, and for future events, visit the UWHFES website.