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Master of Science Degree Requirements (MSIE)

Download a copy of the degree requirements.

Students are expected to register for at least 10 credits applicable toward their degree in each quarter during the nine-month academic year. The Master of Science program consists of a minimum of 41 credit hours. You have two options for earning your degree, a coursework only option and a thesis option. The thesis option is recommended for students who plan to pursue a doctorate.

General Degree Requirements

All MSIE students are required to successfully complete the seminar series IND E 591, IND E 592, and INDE 593, as well as one course from each of the following four sections:

Section A
  • IND E 512: Introduction to Optimization
  • IND E 513: Linear Optimization Models in Engineering
Section B
Section C
  • IND E 521: Quality Control in Manufacturing
  • IND E 524: Robust Design and Quality Engineering
  • IND E 526: Reliability in Product Design and Testing
  • IND E 546: Inferential Data Analysis
Section D
  • IND E 519: Healthcare Modeling and Decision Making
  • IND E 543: Virtual Interface Technology
  • IND E 549: Human Factors in Engineering Design

Coursework Only Option

21 Numerically graded course credits in Industrial Engineering 500 level or above
Independent study/research will not count
17 Numerically graded course credits in Technical Electives 9 credits max at the 400 level
3 Credits of ISE Graduate Seminar: IND E 591, 592, 593 1 credit each
41 Total credits  

Coursework Only students are expected to:

  1. Submit the Coursework Only Degree Plan to the ISE Advising Office by the end of the second quarter. The Degree Plan should reflect three or more quarters of scheduled classes that satisfy the requirements.

  2. Apply online with the Graduate School to obtain the Master’s Committee Signature Form when ready to graduate. The deadline is the end of the seventh week of the quarter you plan to graduate (without incurring a late fee). Any questions regarding this procedure should be addressed to the ISE Advising Office.

  3. Obtain the required signatures on the Master’s Committee Signature Form (refer to the ISE Advising Office on who needs to sign the Committee Signature Form), provide a copy of the signed Committee Signature Form to the ISE Advising Office, and return the signed original to the Graduate School (G1 Communications) no later than 5:00 p.m. on the last day of the quarter.

Thesis Option

18 Numerically graded course credits in Industrial Engineering 500 level or above
Independent study/research will not count
11 Numerically graded course credits in Technical Electives 9 credits max at the 400 level
9 Credits of Master's Thesis IND E 700
3 Credits of ISE Graduate Seminar: IND E 591, 592, 593 1 credit each
41 Total credits  

Thesis students are expected to:

  1. Submit a Thesis Degree Plan to the ISE Advising Office by the end of the second quarter. The Degree Plan should reflect three or more quarters of scheduled classes, which satisfy the requirements and complement the student's research interests.

    Students must select a thesis committee Chair/co-Chairs at this time. The Chair must be a tenured/tenure-track or Adjunct faculty in ISE. If there are co-Chairs, then one must be tenured/tenure-track or Adjunct faculty in ISE. A co-Chair must have, at a minimum, an ISE Affiliate appointment at the rank of Assistant, Associate or Full Professor. The Chair (or a co-Chair) must be a member of the Graduate Faculty.

  2. Select master's thesis committee members by the end of the third quarter. The committee should consist of three faculty members. A minimum of two members (including the Chair/co-Chairs) must be tenured/tenure-track or Adjunct faculty in Industrial & Systems Engineering. At least two committee members must be members of Graduate Faculty. Submit a thesis proposal (approved and signed by your committee Chair) to the ISE Advising Office before registering for IND E 700, Master’s Thesis.

  3. Apply online with the Graduate School to obtain the Master’s Committee Signature Form when ready to graduate. The deadline is the end of the seventh week of the quarter you plan to graduate (without incurring a late fee). Any questions regarding this procedure should be addressed to the ISE Advising Office.

  4. Present the thesis research in an ISE seminar, where it must be approved by the thesis committee and satisfy University requirements. Obtain the required signatures on the Master’s Committee Signature Form (refer to the ISE Advising Office on who needs to sign the Committee Signature Form) and return the signed Committee Signature Form to the ISE Advising Office.

  5. The final master’s thesis is to be submitted online to the Graduate School by the last day of the quarter. See the Graduate School’s website for instructions.