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Master of Science Graduation Procedures (MSIE)

MSIE graduate

To receive a master's degree, you must file a Master's Degree Request before the 10th week of the quarter you wish to graduate. View the dates and deadlines listed on the Graduate School website for this quarter's deadline.

Thesis Option Procedures

If you completed a thesis, you must submit your thesis by the last day of the quarter. Failure to do so will result if your graduation being delayed. Read the Graduate School's Preparing to Graduate and Electronic Thesis or Dissertation (ETD) guidelines and follow these instructions carefully.


Each June, the ISE department holds a Graduation Celebration for all graduating ISE students. It is typically held the morning of the Seattle Campus Commencement Ceremony. For information on the campus-wide Commencement, visit the Commencement website. Information on the ISE Graduation Celebration is made available spring quarter and is posted on the ISE Calendar.