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Future Students

Undergraduate tuition, financial aid, & scholarships


For tuition rates, visit the tuition dashboard. From the top menu, select either "Annual Tuition" or "Quarterly Tuition," then select campus, residency status, and student level.

Tuition rates change annually and vary based on Washington state residency status and the number of credits for which you are registered. Undergraduate tuition at the UW does not vary based on your major, so as an ISE student, you will pay the standard undergraduate resident or nonresident rates. Full-time students (those registered for between 10 and 18 credits per quarter) pay uniform tuition rates based on residency.

Tuition rates are set by the Office of Planning & Budgeting. Visit the Planning & Budgeting Tuition & fee questions page for contact information for different types of tuition questions.

Financial aid

The Office of Student Financial Aid helps students navigate the types of aid available for attending the University of Washington, including scholarships, grants, and loans. Contact the Office of Student Financial Aid at or 206-543-6101.

The Office of Student Financial Aid explains how to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), which is the first step in qualifying for financial aid.


The College of Engineering and ISE offer a limited number of scholarships and awards each year. Scholarships and awards have different qualification criteria. Three common types of scholarships are achievement based, need based, and special criteria (such as specific areas of interest or involvement usually specified by a particular donor).

College of Engineering scholarships

The College of Engineering awards a variety of scholarships to students across all engineering departments. To be eligible for College of Engineering scholarships, you must complete the Scholarship Application. The College of Engineering accepts scholarships applications from August 1 to August 22 each year.

ISE scholarships

To be eligible for ISE departmental scholarships, you must complete the Scholarship Application. The ISE undergraduate scholarship application for the 2024-25 academic year is now open, and closes May 15.

Below is a listing of some of the scholarships and awards offered in our department. Note that most require students to be enrolled in the ISE department to receive an award. The offerings and criteria are subject to change from year to year. You do not need to select a specific scholarship during the application process. Scholarship administrators match recipients to scholarships.

  • Ron L. Crockett Scholarship
  • The Boeing Company Scholarship
  • Vanessa Lee Scholarship
  • Students First Scholarship

The majority of scholarships offered by the College of Engineering and ISE have a financial need requirement. If you wish to be considered for any scholarship that considers need a criteria, you must submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid application (FAFSA) to the Financial Aid Office. Visit the Student Financial Aid website for information about the FAFSA. The College Scholarship Service evaluates your need on a nationally uniform basis, and returns your need index to the University. Both the College of Engineering and the ISE department will use this report to determine eligibility for scholarships when need is a factor.

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