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Course Descriptions (MISE)

Introduction to Optimization Models: IND E 512 »

Spring (3 Credits)
Presents optimization models that are used in applications such as industrial engineering, production, transportation, financial investment, healthcare systems, and environmental ecology. Problems span a variety of continuous and integer optimization models, with discussion of multi-objectives and incorporating randomness into optimization models.

Robust Design and Quality Engineering: IND E 524 »

Winter (3 Credits)
Introduction to robust design and quality engineering. Applications of design of experiments for product and process design optimization. Experimental design using orthogonal arrays and linear graphs. System models using s orthogonal polynomials. Robustness in design and quality improvement for complex systems including Taguchi methods for quality engineering. Prerequisite: IND E 315 or equivalent.

Navigating the Business Environment: IND E 581 »

Autumn (3 Credits)
Tools and frameworks to apply toward taking project ideas from a rough concept to management approval. Corporate business strategy, fundamentals of marketing, accounting and finance, and project valuation and ROI analysis. This course is part of the Certificate in Engineering Leadership.

Technical Leadership: IND E 582 »

Winter (3 Credits)
Skills and tools needed to build, lead, and motivate high-performance teams. Personality assessment, communication styles, team composition, negotiation skills, and decision making. Team diversity, virtual teams, teaching and mentoring, and ethical issues. This course is part of the Certificate in Engineering Leadership.

Decision Analysis in Engineering: IND E 583 »

Spring (3 Credits)
Multi-criteria decision tools involving qualitative and quantitative methods. Decision trees, subjective probability, and utility and value theories, goals and objectives, risk, optimization, and simulation. Includes case studies in decision and systems analysis. This course is part of the Certificate in Engineering Leadership.

Project Performance: IND E 584 »

Summer (3 Credits)
Time and resource management, business strategies, how to build motivated teams, selection of appropriate technology tools, risk management, and communicating project objectives and progress to senior management. This course is part of the Certificate in Engineering Leadership.

Systems Architecture and Model-Based Systems Engineering: IND E 585 »

Autumn (3 Credits)
Prerequisite: IND E 595
Introduction to system architecture through development of system requirements, allocations of functionality and reintegration. Course utilizes model-based systems engineering as a graphical, mathematical, and modeling tool for systems analysis.

Systems Engineering Risk: Assessment and Management: IND E 586 »

Spring (3 Credits)
Prerequisite: IND E 595
Management of risk ensures program cost, schedule, and performance objectives are achieved at every stage in the life cycle. This course covers analysis methods and stochastic modeling for describing and making decisions about projects, financial and technical risks associated with large engineering projects. Balancing risks and benefits in situations involving human safety, environmental, and financial uncertainties are also covered. 

Global Integrated Systems Engineering: IND E 595 »

Autumn (5 Credits)
Systems engineering, including top-down problem solving, decision analysis, and methodologies. Project management models and tools, risk management, and cash flows and costs. Economics and finance, including NPV and IRR, sources of risk, and business profitability and margins.This course is part of the Certificate in Global Integrated Systems Engineering. All three courses in the certificate must be completed in order to apply them toward the Master of Engineering degree.

Global Integrated Systems Engineering: IND E 595 »

Winter (4 Credits)
Cross-cultural communication skills, effective working relationships, and negotiation. International team building, globalization and managing outsourced projects, organizational structure and change, and virtual employees. This course is part of the Certificate in Global Integrated Systems Engineering. All three courses in the certificate must be completed in order to apply them toward the Master of Engineering degree.

Global Integrated Systems Engineering Project: IND E 596 »

Spring (3 Credits)
Comprehensive team-based design project involving a large-scale system of significance. Systems analysis and design, project management, and financial modeling skills covered in first two courses are applied to a real-world problem. Results are presented to an evaluation panel comprised of practitioners, academics, and client representatives. This course is part of the Certificate in Global Integrated Systems Engineering. All three courses in the certificate must be completed in order to apply them toward the Master of Engineering degree. 

Technical Entrepreneurship: IND E 587 »

Summer (3 Credits)
This course is intended to teach engineers the mechanisms and challenges of a business from the perspective of the technical entrepreneur or intrapreneur. The engineer armed with this awareness will be better able to identify and monetize valuation opportunities. Topics include anatomy of startup ventures, business plan and development, innovation management, market identification and analysis, and financing.