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Master of Engineering Degree Requirements (MISE)

The Master of Engineering is a non-thesis, 39 credit hour program. The 39 credits must include:

  • One applied math course
  • One leadership course
  • One capstone course (IND E 596)

The 39 credits may include up to 9 graded course credits of technical electives. Electives will be approved by the Director on a case-by-case basis. Please contact the adviser for more information at

The planned offerings may be found on the course descriptions page. The courses that satisfy the applied math requirement include IND E 512, IND E 524, IND E 583, and IND E 586. The courses that satisfy the leadership requirement include IND E 581, IND E 582, IND E 584, IND E 595, and IND E 587 (Technical Entrepreneurship). All courses listed are required unless the Director approves a request to substitute a technical elective.