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Degree Specialization: Data Science Option

By adding the data science option to your ISE degree, you will be able to deepen your knowledge by taking classes from a curated curriculum comprising core classes and technical electives. The curriculum is organized in a way that will help you get a well-rounded education for high demand jobs in machine learning, data visualization and database design.

Upon completion of the coursework, which must equal 18-24 option-specific credits, the data science option will be denoted in your official UW transcript.

How to add the option to your degree

You must declare the data science option before filing the graduation application, which is typically done during autumn quarter of your senior year. We recommend that you declare the option by spring quarter of your junior year.

To declare the data science option, please e-mail your academic adviser with the following information:

  • Name and student ID#
  • An academic plan outlining courses from the program requirements; which ones have been taken or when you plan to take them

If you have any questions, we encourage you to schedule an advising appointment by sending an e-mail to

Program requirements

Data science core
11-14 credits
Required: IND E 427
Choose at least one class from each column
CSE 123 or 143, CSE 160, CSE 163 SOC 225, INFO 350, HCDE 410


Data science technical electives
7-10 credits

Choose at least one class from two of the following three areas
Data analytics Data management Data visualization

CSE  416/STAT 416 Intro to Machine Learning (4)

INFO 370 Core Methods in Data Sci (4)

STAT 435 Intro to Statistical Machine Learning (4)

IND E 426 Reliability Engineering and System Safety (4)

STAT 425 Intro to Non-Parametric Statistics (3)

CSE 414 Intro to Database Systems (4)

INFO 330 Database and Data Modeling (5)

INFO 430 Database Design and Management (5)

CSE 412 Intro to Data Visualization (4)

GEOG 360 GIS and Mapping (5)

HCDE 411 Information Visualization (5)