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Technical Electives


Undergraduates admitted in Spring 2021 and later Must complete 16 credits from the Additional Technical Electives List.

Additional technical elective courses may be chosen from the list below to reach the minimum 37 credits. Use the Request for a Technical Elective Course Form to request approval of a course not included below.

Course Credits Title
AA 260 4 Thermodynamics
AMATH 301 4 Beginning Scientific Computing
AMATH 383 3 Introduction to Continuous Mathematical Modeling
AMATH 401 4 Vector Calculus and Complex Variables
AMATH 402 4 Introduction to Dynamical Systems and Chaos
BIOEN 504 4 Introduction to Technology Commercialization
BSE 309 2 Creativity and Innovation
CHEM 237 4 Organic Chemistry
CHEM 238 4 Organic Chemistry
CHEME 325 4 Energy & Entropy
CHEME 355 3 Biological Frameworks for Engineers
CEE 307 5 Construction Engineering
CEE 337 5 Construction Materials
CEE 357 5 Environmental Engineering
CEE 410 3 Traffic Engineering Fundamentals
CEE 493 3 Air-Pollution Source Testing and Equipment Evaluation
CEE 494 3 Air-Pollution Control Equipment Design
CFRM 405 3 Mathematical Methods for Quantitative Finance
CFRM 425 3 R Programming for Quantitative Finance
CSE 123 or 143** 5 Computer Programming II
CSE 154 5 Web Programming
CSE 160 4 Data Programming (only if CSE 123 or 143** not taken)
CSE 163 4

Intermediate Data Programming 

CSE 373 4 Data Structures and Algorithms
CSE 374 3 Intermediate Programming Concepts & Tools
CSE 410 3 Computer Systems
CSE 415 3 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
CSE 414 4 Introduction to Database Systems
CSE/STAT 416  4 Intro to Machine Learning
CSE 417 3 Algorithms and Computational Complexity
EE 233 5 Circuit Theory
EE 235 5 Continuous Time Linear Systems
EE 271 5 Digital Circuits and Systems
EE 341 5 Discrete Time Linear Systems
EE 457 4 Electric Energy Distribution Systems
EE 482 4 Semiconductor Devices
ENGR 321 var, max 2 Engineering Internship Education
ENGR 499 3 Honors
ESRM 320 5 Marketing and Management from a Sustainability Perspective
ESRM 321 5 Finance and Accounting from a Sustainability Perspective
ESS 472 var Rockets & Instrumentation
HCDE 410 4 Human Data Interaction
HCDE 411 5 Information Visualization 
IND E 412 4 Integer and Dynamic Programming
IND E 426 4 Reliability Engineering and System Safety
IND E 427 4 Data Analytics for Systems Engineering 
IND E 430 4 Manufacturing Scheduling and Inventory
IND E 439 4 Plant Layout & Material Handling
IND E 455 4 User Interface Design
IND E 470 4 Systems Engineering
IND E 496  [not currently offered] 3 Technology-Based Entrepreneurship
IND E 498 var Special Topics in Industrial Engineering 
IND E 499 var Special Projects/Independent Study
IND E 5XX var All IND E Graduate Level Courses
INFO 330 5 Databases and Data Modeling
INFO 370  5 Core Methods in Data Science
INFO 430  5 Database Design & Management
MATH 209* 3 Linear Analysis
MATH 224* 3 Advanced Multivariable Calculus I
MATH 327 3 Introductory Real Analysis I
MATH 394 3 Probability I
MATH 395 3 Probability II
MATH 396 3 Probability III
MATH 407 3 Linear Optimization
MATH 408 3 Nonlinear Optimization
MATH 409 3 Discrete Optimization
MATH 491 3 Introduction to Stochastic Processes
MATH 492 3 Stochastic Calculus for Option Pricing
ME 354 5 Mechanics of Materials Laboratory
ME 355 4 Introduction to Manufacturing Processes
ME 373 5 Introduction to System Dynamics
ME 374 5 Systems Dynamic Analysis and Design
ME 409 3 Introduction to Numerical Control and Computer-Aided Manufacturing
ME 480 4 Introduction to Computer-Aided Technology
MGMT 401 4 Leadership, Critical Thinking, & Decision Making
MGMT 402 4 Deal-Making and Negotiations
MGMT 403 4 Motivating High Performance
STAT 425  3 Intro to Non-parametric Statistics
STAT 435 4 Intro to Statistical Machine Learning

* MATH 309 and MATH 324 will become MATH 209 and MATH 224 effective August 2021.
** As of the 2022-23 academic year, the introductory courses CSE 142 & 143 have been replaced with CSE 121, 122, & 123. Please read more about this course renumbering here.