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Current Students

MOD Pizza

Front of house improvements
3rd place award winner

  • Michael Assefa
  • Andrew Diebag
  • Erik Engels
  • Eric Johnson
  • Warren Sprecher
  • Miranda Weipert
Industry mentor
John Goedert
MOD Pizza
Faculty advisers

About the project

MOD Pizza is a rapidly growing restaurant chain that produces food at a “super-fast” rate. Inefficiencies in MOD’s makeline result in long queue times for its customers, so MOD sought operational recommendations for how to maximize throughput. This senior design project analyzed store layout, material handling, and staffing practices to determine the best way to increase the speed of the makeline. This team determined that if MOD adopted a round-robin approach to staffing deployment, where a staff member follows a pizza through the entire production system rather than handing it off to another person, throughput would increase and queue time would decrease.